Sunday 3 April 2011

My April Fool - Potato Cakes

I love not quite nigella's blog and when I saw these and realised that I had the ingredients in the cupboards/fridge I couldn't resist. I made them Thursday night and took them into work on Friday. I called them potato cakes rather than candy and just left them in the usual communal snack spot. I couldn't say anything to anyone about them as I am SO bad at lying that I just couldn't keep a straight face. They were eaten and I was very politely asked whether they were Eastern European in origin, answer, er no! Then I was much later on asked what was in them and I had to confess that they had absolutely NOTHING to do with potatoes. They were actually really tasty! Very sweet and nutty too. They were a bit like the peanut butter fudge I made for Christmas but much lighter. I'm very sad now that I can't find the photos I took of them boo hoo.

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