About me

I am a 29 year old vegetarian. I have been veggie to varying degrees since I was four years old and realised what it was that I was eating. We were sitting down to dinner of roast chicken one Sunday and my Dad asked if anyone wanted a leg. I managed to make the link between the chicken on my plate and the ones running around on my Grandma's farm and I said "You can't eat that". As I realised more foods were once running around (or swimming) I refused to eat them. It just didn't feel right to me.

My ever-patient mother respected my decision and being the fantastic cook she is accommodated my vegetarianism most of the time (although I do remember being forced to eat liver once - bleugh!). I remember trying chicken again when I was about 7 years old but I didn't like it and didn't eat it again. I became totally vegetarian from about the age of 10 years old.

I cook most evenings. The food is not very imaginative but simple, filling and nutritious (most of the time). I am married and my husband is also a vegetarian and was when I met him, which makes things easier. We are as strict as is practically possible and don't knowingly eat anything with any animal product in it.

I love food, reading about food, watching TV programs about it, reading recipe books and of course, eating it! I also have a very sweet tooth hence the blog address.

The question I get asked most often, after why are you a vegetarian, is what do you eat? This blog is an attempt to answer that question.

I am not intending to try and convert anyone, just answer a simple question. I think people should eat whatever they want. I wish that the animals that people do eat were treated better and killed more humanely. I am sure happy animals taste better!

I hope you enjoy the blog.

Mrs Vegetarian Sweet-Tooth