Saturday 7 May 2011

Spelt Bread

Mr VST has been quite bored since having his laser eye surgery as he hasn't been able to the things he usually does to entertain himself like sports, web browsing and watching TV. I have been trying to set him tasks to keep him busy and decided to give him the task of perfecting the spelt bread recipe. When we were staying with friends last week we had toast made from home made bread which was delicious. It had been made in a bread maker with a mix of granary flour and white flour and it made me think about my heavy sticky but tasty spelt bread. I got Mr VST to make it replacing 200g of the spelt flour with strong white bread flour instead. The original recipe is here.

The result was great. A much lighter, but still sticky and tasty loaf. You don't have to let it rise but we did, using the hot water bottle method!

We took some slices of the finished product on our picnic today. It went really well with cheese mmmmm!

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