Saturday 19 March 2011

Celery, Tomato and Apple Soup

I posted that last weekend when we went to my Mum's we had fennel, tomato apple soup. It was delicious but I was wrong about the main ingredient, it was celery not fennel (same family I think?!). I got the recipe from my Mum and decided to make it this weekend.

60g butter
1 onion
170g/ 3 medium sized tomatoes, quartered
170g celery
2 apples, quartered, cored
600ml swiss bouillon vegetable stock
Pinch ginger
Pinch nutmeg
splosh of sherry/brandy

1. Melt the butter in a pan, cook off the onions
2. Add the tomatoes, celery, apples, spices and sherry

3. Wet a piece of greaseproof paper, fold it over and cover the vegetables with it. Leave on a low heat for 30  minutes until the fruit/veg are soft

4. Add vegetable stock and bring to the boil.
5. Blend together.

 The result is a lovely tangy, creamy, tomatoey soup. I can't quite describe it well enough to do it justice. It is very flavoursome in a subtle way.

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