Thursday 17 February 2011

Dahl with cheese and crackers

Did I mention before that I cycle to work? Well I do. It's less than a ten minute ride but cycling is quicker than walking and I enjoy it. I carry a back pack so that I can transport the necessary items to and from work and carry home any shopping I do during the day. As I have taken to buying all our fruit and veg from the local market stall this means that I quite often have a heavy rucksack full of veg to carry home or handlebars with plastic bags of veg balanced on them. The other week I had a meeting across town and carried the rather substantial files with me on my bike in a bag for life on the handlebars. The journey was so wobbly that I decided to buy myself a pannier rack. Luckily Mr VST had a spare pannier bag that I could use. As we have been away he has only this evening managed to find the time to fit it to my bike for me and I have been avoiding stocking up on heavy items until it had been fitted. The only meal I could think of that required the minimum of veg was dahl so that's what I made. Carrying home the onion that I needed for the recipe made no difference to the wobbliness of my journey!

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