Sunday 23 January 2011

Chocolate pear crisp

This recipe is the result of another search of the BBC Good Food website with the vegetarian, dessert and low calorie boxes ticked. It was closer in calories in real life to what was stated in the recipe than the chocolate tart but still 184 rather than 140, it all adds up!

It had mixed reviews on the website but I thought I'd give it a go. I put the pears on with lemon juice from a bottle rather than a lemon as I didn't have any and the sugar and let it all bubble away while I prepared the other ingredients. I must have been destined to whisk this weekend. I didn't have any idea how long it would take to whisk an egg white and stupidly decided to try doing it by hand. After quite some effort I gave up and used the electric whisk instead.
Pears with lemon juice and sugar

I sifted the icing sugar and cocoa powder together and added the ground almonds. I did my best impression of folding the egg white into the ingredients but there didn't seem to be an awful lot to go between the ramekins.

After baking them for about 30 minutes altogether I served them with ice cream. The pears were very tasty but I wasn't that impressed with the topping. I'm not sure I'd bother making them again, especially as I could have a slice of Mr VST's chocolate tart for only a few calories more.

1 comment:

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella said...

Thanks for the honest review! I guess that's why there were so many mixed reviews. Perhaps they didn't like to topping too :)