It's a question that we get asked quite a lot around Christmas - what do you have for Christmas dinner?
The answer to that is something different every year and all the trimmings. Usually there is a turkey cooking somewhere and either my Mum or Mr VST's Mum makes us something veggie as an alternative and then we have the same accompaniments as everyone else. This year there were five of us for Christmas dinner, three of which were vegetarians and so the meat eaters decided that they would have a veggie Christmas which made this my first all-veggie Christmas ever!
We started the day with buck's fizz, croissants and brioche.
We enjoyed our breakfast, prepared some vegetables and the main and then went for a walk in the snow before coming back and putting the veggies on.
My Mum made us
mushroom Wellingtons for our main. It's another BBC Good Food recipe but to make it more Christmassy she used cranberry sauce instead of spinach. We nibbled on nuts before sitting down for dinner at about 4pm. It was a lovely relaxed day. I think it was something to do with not having a turkey to worry about!
We started with a lovely pear salad with the most delicious cheesy dressing.

The main meal consisted of mushroom wellingtons, roast potatoes, roast parsnips, a slightly unconventional Yorkshire pudding (which I made) carrots, mashed swede with parmesan and of course the token brussel sprout!
I tried to restrain my intake of Christmas dinner as I knew I had to keep some space free for the duo of desserts and then cheese and biscuits and Christmas cake but I couldn't resist another of the delicious roast potatoes. They were AH-MA-ZING!
We all had to have a (long) rest between dinner and puddings. After a rest on the sofa watching Dr Who we went back to the table for puddings.
I wasn't a big fan of Christmas pudding until this year. I always had some but never enjoyed it as much as I did as what has become the family's traditional alternative to Christmas Pudding, Delia's Return to the Black Forest. This year Mum used a Delia recipe for the Christmas Pudding too and it was absolutely delicious.
I can't describe how delicious both of these were and I can't remember if I managed to squeeze in any cheese or crackers but they were there so I probably tried but I know we didn't get around to cutting the Christmas cake.